Masters in Public Policy Programs in the State of California

Cole Neder

Cole Neder

Updated & Fact Checked: 08.29.2024


Pursuing a Master of Public Policy (MPP) in California offers numerous advantages that make it an appealing choice for students. California, as the most populous state and a leader in various policy areas such as environmental protection, technology, and social equity, provides a dynamic and rich environment for public policy studies. The state’s diverse population and complex challenges present unique opportunities for students to engage in meaningful, real-world policy analysis and development.

When searching for public policy programs in California, several factors should be considered to ensure you select a program that aligns with your goals and interests. First, evaluate the specific focus areas and specializations offered by each program, such as environmental policy, urban planning, or social justice, to ensure they match your career aspirations. 

Consider the location of the programs, whether in major cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Sacramento, or in more rural or suburban areas. Major cities offer vibrant networking opportunities, access to government offices, think tanks, and nonprofits, which can be advantageous for internships and job placements. Rural or smaller urban areas might provide a more close-knit academic environment and unique regional insights.

Additionally, explore the local lifestyle and recreational opportunities California offers. From the cultural richness of cities to the natural beauty of national parks and coastal regions, living in California can enhance your overall experience and provide a balanced life outside academics. Networking opportunities are another critical factor; look for programs that facilitate connections with alumni, industry professionals, and local policy-making bodies. 

The state’s diverse economy and significant public policy challenges offer a dynamic environment for applying theoretical knowledge to practical issues. Finally, consider the program’s accreditation status, faculty expertise, and support services to ensure you receive a high-quality education that prepares you for a successful career in public policy.

MPP Programs in California

Overall, obtaining an MPP in California equips students with the skills, connections, and experience necessary to excel in the public policy field while benefiting from the state’s unique and diverse opportunities. An overview of each program, including details on accreditation, credit hours, and modality, can be found here:

NASPAA-accredited MPP Programs

NASPAA (Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration) accreditation is a prestigious endorsement for public administration and policy programs, ensuring they meet high standards of quality and effectiveness. This accreditation process involves a rigorous evaluation of a program’s curriculum, faculty, resources, and outcomes to ensure it provides a comprehensive and relevant education for students pursuing careers in public service.

NASPAA accreditation signifies that a program adheres to best practices in the field, prepares students for real-world challenges, and contributes to the advancement of public administration education. For prospective students, NASPAA accreditation offers assurance that their chosen program has undergone a thorough review and meets recognized standards of excellence.Unfortunately, there are no NASPAA-accredited public policy master’s programs in the State of California. However, there are numerous options in the state that offer flexible and comprehensive programs. In addition, there are various programs that offer accredited Master’s in Public Administration programs, which can be found by following this link.

Online MPP Programs

Attending an MPP program that offers an online format provides several significant benefits, particularly for students who require flexibility due to work or personal commitments. Online MPP programs cater to a diverse audience, including working professionals, international students, and those who cannot relocate or attend traditional on-campus classes. The primary advantage of an online format is its flexibility, allowing students to balance their studies.

Additionally, online programs often provide access to a broader range of resources and networking opportunities, as students can connect with peers, faculty, and industry professionals from various locations. The virtual setting can foster a global perspective on policy issues and enhance the learning experience through diverse viewpoints and case studies. Online MPP programs also often employ advanced technology and interactive platforms to facilitate learning.

For students seeking a high-quality education without the need for physical relocation, an online MPP program offers a practical and accessible solution, enabling them to advance their careers and gain expertise in public policy while maintaining their existing commitments. An overview of the two MPP programs that offer an online format can be found here:

University of the Pacific

  • Sacramento, CA.
  • Online + Campus

Modality: Online/On-Campus

Credit Hours: 44

GRE: Not required

Tuition: $20,208 (PYR)

Program Overview:
The Master of Public Policy (MPP) program at Pacific McGeorge School of Law equips students with the skills to analyze and design effective public policy through a rigorous 44-unit curriculum. This program combines academic study, professional development, and practical experience, including extensive internships in California’s capital. Additionally, students benefit from the opportunity to take law courses related to their concentration.

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Sacramento State University

  • Sacramento, CA.
  • Online + Campus

Modality: Online/On-Campus

Credit Hours: 36

GRE: Not required

Tuition: $30,550 (TTL)

Program Overview:
The Capital Campus’s graduate programs in Public Policy and Administration are designed to equip future leaders with the analytical skills and dedication needed to tackle California’s complex issues. Graduates are trained to analyze and solve public policy problems, apply their knowledge in professional contexts, and understand the ethical implications of their decisions within the field of public service.

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Accelerated MPP Programs

Accelerated Master of Public Policy (MPP) programs are designed for students who wish to complete their degree in a shorter timeframe than traditional programs, often catering to those with prior academic or professional experience. These programs typically condense the coursework into a more intensive schedule, allowing students to earn their degree in about one year, compared to the usual two years.

Joint degree programs allow students to earn two degrees simultaneously, often combining an MPP with another discipline such as law (JD/MPP), business administration (MBA/MPP), or environmental science (MS/MPP). By pursuing a joint degree, students can benefit from a streamlined curriculum that reduces the total time and coursework required compared to earning each degree separately. 

In a 4+1 program, students can earn both their undergraduate and MPP degrees in a total of five years, rather than the typical six or more years. This pathway allows students to accelerate their education and enter the workforce with an advanced degree more quickly. An overview of institutions offering these types of degree completion opportunities can be found here: 

  1. Stanford University: Joint degree opportunities with external applicants, and a combined accelerated degree format known as a 4+1 program. 
  2. University of California – Los Angeles: Joint degree opportunities with law, management, public health, medicine, and social welfare.
  3. Pepperdine University: Joint degree opportunities with international relations, economic policy, national security, and American politics. 
  4. Claremont Graduate University: Degree can be completed in less than 18 months for full-time students. 
  5. University of California – Riverside: Combined accelerated degree format for qualifying undergraduate students, known as a 4+1 program. 
  6. University of Southern California: Offers three dual degree options that can be earned with an MPP (urban planning, JD, and urban education policy). 
  7. University of California – Berkeley: The Master in Public Policy may be earned in combination with an advanced degree from other Berkeley schools.

Affordable MPP Programs

Tuition affordability for MPP programs in California is crucial due to the high cost of living in the state and the financial pressures faced by many students. California’s substantial living expenses, particularly in major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, can significantly impact students’ overall financial burden.

Affordable tuition helps mitigate this financial strain, making advanced education more accessible and reducing the need for excessive student debt. Additionally, affordable programs enable a broader range of students to pursue careers in public policy, which often serve critical societal needs. These programs provide a range of affordable options for students seeking an MPP degree in California, balancing cost with quality education and opportunities for professional development:

  1. California State University – Irvine: Approximately $27,000 per year for in-state students and $39,000 per year for out-of-state students. 
  2. University of the Pacific: Total costs exceed $60,000 for the total cost of obtaining an MPP degree, but apply to both in-state and out-of-state students. 
  3. California Polytechnic University: Approximately $12,500 per year for in-state students and $27,000 per year for out-of-state students.

What Types of Careers Can I Pursue With an MPP Degree in California?

An MPP degree in California opens up a diverse range of career opportunities across various sectors, reflecting the state’s significant influence on public policy and administration. Graduates can pursue roles in government agencies, non-profit organizations, private sector firms, and academic institutions. Here are some job examples: 

  1. Policy Analyst: Working for government agencies, think tanks, or research organizations, policy analysts evaluate and develop policies on issues such as healthcare, education, and environment. In California, notable employers include the California Legislative Analyst’s Office and the Public Policy Institute of California.
  1. Program Manager: Many MPP graduates manage public programs or initiatives in sectors like public health, social services, or urban development. They oversee project implementation, budgeting, and impact assessment. Examples include roles in state departments like the California Department of Public Health.
  1. Policy Consultant: Private consulting firms, such as those focusing on public sector or non-profit consulting, offer MPP graduates opportunities to advise organizations on policy strategies and program evaluations.
  1. Legislative Advisor: Working with state legislators or local government officials, these professionals provide expertise on policy development, analysis, and legislative strategy.

Salaries for MPP graduates vary based on role, experience, and location. For instance, policy analysts in California can earn between $70,000 and $90,000 annually, while program managers might see salaries ranging from $80,000 to $100,000. Legislative advisors and consultants can earn higher salaries, often exceeding $100,000, depending on their expertise and the organization’s budget.